Monday, October 22, 2018

10 Questions You NEED to Answer Before Writing SEO Content

Creating content for SEO can seem like a daunting task but asking yourself a few questions before you begin writing can help make the process easier and increase the quality of your content. Of course, an even easier way is to hire the SEO experts at Roofing Contractor Marketing and let them handle your SEO so you can get back to running your business. If you want to go it alone answering these ten questions can help put you on the right track to creating content that fits your brand and business.

The ‘10 Essential’ questions you need to answer before creating a style guide

  1. Mission: What is the brand’s mission?
  2. Words: What key taglines, words, phrases, tenses or perspectives are used and associated with this brand?
  3. Purpose: What is the purpose for the content?
  4. Audience: Who is the focus audience, and what are they like?
  5. Solution: What is the problem the audience is facing, and how is this content a solution to that problem?
  6. Tone: What kind of tone does this brand convey, and how does that resonate with the audience?
  7. Style: What style of writing does this brand use?
  8. Organization: How does this brand organize its content? Does data support this approach?
  9. Platform: What platforms will be used to drive traffic to this content?
  10. Conversions: What kinds of conversions are we trying to make through the content?

Having answers to these questions for your own brand will both help you understand the brand better and communicate it with the people you work with, particularly writers.

If you don’t know these essentials, it’s likely that your content will fall flat. SEO and competitor analysis is not enough to go on when it comes to cultivating a message that truly resonates with the focus audience. In other words, it just won’t sell.

Note: If you are struggling to answer these questions, I suggest looking into the concept of the Ideal Client Avatar (ICA) or Persona. Developing these descriptions will help you paint a clear picture of what the brand’s audience looks like, what they want and need and what message relates to them best.

Read the full article at

Originally Posted here: 10 Questions You NEED to Answer Before Writing SEO Content

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Is your Roofing Company Keeping up with Google’s Ever-Changing Algorithm?

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the practice of getting a website to the top of the Search Engine Results page or SERP for high-volume search terms. Holding that top position isn't a simple task. Google is constantly updating their algorithms that choose how sites rank and what websites should hold those highly coveted, top-of-the-page spots. According to Google, small changes are made to the algorithm every day and more broad changes can happen several times a year. It can make it a difficult to stay ahead in a game when the rules are constantly getting changed.

Google confirms core search ranking algorithm update

Google acknowledged the suspected update but says there is nothing webmasters can do to fix their sites if they dropped in rankings.

Google has confirmed that they ran a “broad core algorithm update” last week that has impacted the appearance and rankings of some websites in the search results.

Here is Google’s statement on Twitter:

Each day, Google usually releases one or more changes designed to improve our results. Some are focused around specific improvements. Some are broad changes. Last week, we released a broad core algorithm update. We do these routinely several times per year.

As with any update, some sites may note drops or gains. There’s nothing wrong with pages that may now perform less well. Instead, it’s that changes to our systems are benefiting pages that were previously under-rewarded.

There’s no “fix” for pages that may perform less well other than to remain focused on building great content. Over time, it may be that your content may rise relative to other pages.

There was speculation over the weekend about a Google update; this is Google confirming that speculation.

Read the whole article at

Here at Roofing Contractor Marketing, we have a team of SEO experts that are always working to understand what changes are ahead and how to keep our clients in the best possible rank. We know that good content is at the hear of SEO and our team is always testing new ideas so when the algorithm changes we are ready. As a roofing company owner, you probably don't have the extra time worrying about what Google might change and how that is going to affect your business. Click here to get a FREE SEO Analysis to see how you rank currently and what we can do to help you climb to the top and stay there no matter how the algorithms change.

Originally Posted on: Is your Roofing Company Keeping up with Google’s Ever-Changing Algorithm?