Thursday, April 16, 2020

Are Hashtags Still Popular?

HashTag Marketing Strategies

A hash tag represents a keyword or a phrase, which is preceded by the symbol #, written in a post or comment to highlight it and facilitate the search for it. In short, by including this symbol in your post, it can be indexed, so that it can be discovered by everyone, even if they are not your followers or fans.

Some just put some words after this symbol, while others really know how to juggle with hash tags and make the most of them. In any case, the popularity of hash tags is so big that they are already a part of the online environment.

The most important question is: Is SEO influenced by hash tags?

In a future SEO strategy that you will tackle or in the one you are currently use, you should also include hash tags. Opt to use hash tags in social media and you will provide your business with more opportunities to make your brand, content and activity more visible in search engine results.

“Hash tag” means network, discovery, community building opportunities, popularity, advertising and heavy traffic. They somehow function as a library where you can find everything that has to do with a particular topic.  Look at for more marketing strategies for your company.


First Seen here: Are Hashtags Still Popular?

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