Monday, July 1, 2013

Roofing Websites - Ideas to Improve Leads

All roofing websites should be designed with the primary mission to convert visitors into calls or form submissions.  That is easy to say, hard to do.  Often times we hear clients tell us they want "A Clean Site - not too much text please".  Is this a smart way to think? 

The Art of web design can often hurt your conversions, not help.  Conversion strategy is science, not art.  Too often a business owner is "sold" on "a clean look" that makes him or her happy but does not get the job done of converting the visitor into a potential customer. More often, Website DESIGNERS are not marketing specialists - they are artists. Art is great for your wall, but maybe not for your website.  You need a website conversion specialist, not a designer.

Here are a several tips to improve conversions on your roofing website:
  • Phone Number BOLD in upper right hand corner
    • Seems super basic, right?  But many do not have a phone number and seem to encourage only an email or form submission - not a call...
  • Reviews - and Links to Reviews
    • Link out to review sites where customers have written good things about you.  Let others share your good business practices.
  • Chat Widgets
    • There are several companies offering these for individual websites.  Chat widgets can help prompt action and engage the visitor. More people are comfortable with texting now and do not find them as intrusive as they did a year or more ago.
  • Time Sensitive Offer
    • Give people a reason to act now
  • Video
    • Let people meet you personally. A friendly greeting can help people feel more comfortable dealing with you.
Roofing websites have a special challenge in that consumers are very aware of bad press from previous bad roofers taking advantage of insurance claims.  Because of this, your website needs to warm visitors to your company story, share your good news/reviews and encourage interaction as soon as possible.

To learn more about roofing websites, visit Roofing Contractor  America's #1 Roofing Marketing Company.